Sep 18, 2024

Getting good advice on AI, or Why I’m No Longer Talking to Tech Bros About Tech

Now that AI has hit the mainstream there is no shortage of advice to be had from the enthusiasts. But do the people talking about AI really relate to you and the day-to-day challenges of your job?

Getting good advice on AI, or Why I’m No Longer Talking to Tech Bros About Tech

Your AI journey demands more than just tech know-how. You want advice from people who understand your culture and values, who help you work out where and how AI can make your teams happier or more productive, and who then help you put the right solutions in place.

So, who's your ideal AI adviser? We suggest a couple of candidates.

1. You. You know your business. You know what absorbs everyone's time, you know what information you have locked away in files and databases. That means you know where you might want to apply generative AI to more quickly find information or do chores that free up people to do other things. You can ask, "What can AI do?" - but it’s even better if you ask, "Can AI do this?"

2. The Professionals. Look for people who know the tech market and understand the potential but who also understand your world and live in it. You want the folks who bridge the tech gap and work with you to figure out your AI roadmap.

We can help there, but I would say that wouldn't I? You should also try some things out and build your confidence in the art of the possible: next time you’re about to do a Google search, use Perplexity to answer a question instead, or ask to write you a blog post (ahem). Rewrite it in Korean to surprise and confuse your friends. Just don’t give away any private or sensitive data.

If you've already done that, talk to your team about where that enormous generative potential could transform productivity in your organisation and become the intelligent customers. You can find partners who will help you establish an inclusive, and strategic approach. Your business will thank you, and so will your bottom line.

Innovation can come from your tech team, but do your IT colleagues commission you, or do you commission them?

Engine builds private AI tools that let you keep things simple; private Chat GPTs trained on content you approve, giving you answers your teams can rely on, and starting you on an AI change programme you can manage. We charge a one-off, affordable build cost and a single, fixed monthly cost for your whole organisation.

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