AI engines help people
do a better job.

AI engines are a force for good. Engines remove friction,
reduce toil, and create instant knowledge.

The instant knowledge you need to do a great job

Nobody goes to work to do a bad job. Everybody wants to do a good job, enjoy what they do, get a sense of fulfilment, and take pride in their work. But problems get in the way and make that hard. Data, documents and up-to-date information are hard to find. When you find it, there’s way too much to read, analyse and understand. And then there’s lots of routine, low value-add, but necessary tasks like writing reports and emails.

All those take time, energy and enthusiasm away from the creative, interesting and exciting things you want to be doing. The things that got you excited about the job in the first place. AI engines can remove that friction, reduce that toil, and create the instant knowledge you need to do a great job.

AI strategy

Your AI journey shouldn’t start with AI. Before you invest time, money and resources into AI, you need to think about the challenges AI might solve for you and the opportunities it might bring. Our engaging workshops help you explore these areas, decide on the priority use cases, then develop your roadmap with actionable next steps.

Azure secure storage 

Keep your data secure in Azure cloud storage. Our expert technical resources create secure storage areas in your Azure tenant. Most of our clients require UK storage, but we can work with other regions if required. That gives you total control of your data, as well as peace of mind about security.

Bespoke AI engines

Bespoke engines just for you. If you have a special, unique, or challenging use case, let’s chat and see if we can adapt our core engine technology to deliver what you need.

Icons related to AI

Our values


People are more important than things. Relationships are more important than assets. We really do give a s**t. We want people to be happy, fulfilled and successful in what they do. So be nice. Be interested in other people. Everyone has a story to tell. Listen more than you talk. That way you’ll learn and be better able to help.


Question everything. Ask why. Ask why again. Try new things. It’s ok to fail because that’s how we learn. The world of AI is changing daily. And the pace of change is only accelerating. We have to adapt to our constantly changing world. And we do that by learning, asking questions and stretching ourselves every day. Be curious.


If we say we’re going to do something, we do it. Trust is the most important attribute in business. It takes years to build a great reputation. Moments to ruin it. We think about the second and third order consequences of an action. Or inaction. Because if we touch it, we own it. We take care of it. And if it goes wrong, we fix it.

Privacy and security

Obviously, we’re deadly serious about protecting your data and privacy. We're committed to keeping your information secure and private, because we understand that trust is the foundation of any great relationship.


Privacy Policy.


We don't take any chances with security. High level encryption protects your data in transit, and our clever virtual firewall technology increases data protection in your Azure tenant. Your data is not retained for LLM training. Contact us to find out more.

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