Teacher training agency: Private GPT Gen AI solution





One of the UK’s largest teacher training organisations is responsible for training thousands of teachers every year. Some workload peaks are seasonal, coinciding with the academic year. Staff needed a way to become more efficient and effective in processing information and revising materials.

Implementing instant.engine has transformed the way they work. They can now upload documents, analyse and summarise them in seconds. That saves huge amounts of time and enables the team to help more teachers. And when they’re finished, they just shut it down, the data is wiped and on to the next one.

The training institute's instant.engine functions as a private chat GPT, empowering all staff to create queries and generate content within their secure cloud environment. This setup provides the full capabilities of Chat GPT while ensuring that intellectual property remains protected and sensitive information is not inadvertently exposed.

Beyond the significant benefits of data security, the applications have proven to be extensive. Staff have been able to generate and adapt training materials at unprecedented speeds and extract new insights from data with remarkable efficiency. For instance, the task of processing conference feedback from an Excel sheet containing 150 rows, including free text fields, has been drastically reduced from days to hours. This improvement eliminates the tedium of initial data checking and summarisation, allowing staff to swiftly extract insights and deliver professional value.

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