Morley College: AI policy assistant


Morley College



Morley College London needed their staff to understand and follow its policies to make sure they function effectively and work within the regulatory framework.

However, finding and reading the relevant policies can be time-consuming, especially when staff have to deal with complex, unusual or urgent situations.

We worked with Morley College to create a policy.engine trained on the College’s 64 policy documents. It works on any device and is available in any one of 50 languages, which is great for both staff and students. Staff now have instant access to the information they need to do their jobs, saving time and effort, and reducing frustration.

Morley’s AI Policy Assistant is a web-based chatbot that can provide contextual answers to staff questions about any policy – and pull information from multiple sources to give complete responses. It was piloted with College managers in the autumn term, 2023, and rolled out to staff quickly afterwards.

The assistant empowers everyone to ask questions without having to find the right person to talk to, search through the staff handbook or know where to look - freeing up core teams in HR, Finance and elsewhere to focus on complex challenges that need their professional attention.

As well as making policy access easy and quick, the assistant is designed to bring wider benefits, helping everyone build their skills and confidence in using AI and ‘prompt writing’, and enabling greater inclusion by using the as-standard translation functionality and ability to adapt the AI responses to work brilliantly for any reader.

The AI also enables the college to compare policies, quickly find any inconsistencies, improve the content and prioritise updates.

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