Education curriculum: personalising content for each learner





A large Multi-Academy Trust wanted to ensure consistency of teaching and learning across its geographically dispersed schools. They also wanted to personalise learning and give pupils and learners access to course materials outside of school.

Using knowledge.engine trained on an entire year-group curriculum information, teachers are now able to share resources and personalise learning for individual students.

The ability to adapt curriculum content and lesson plans to suit different teaching modes is a significant benefit of using knowledge.engine. Personalised learning is well-proven; it involves accurately assessing where an individual pupil is in their learning journey, understanding what they can achieve, and providing them with the right resources to make good progress. By enabling teachers to create one of eight different lesson types, or even something bespoke, knowledge.engine ensures that teaching styles can be varied to cater to different learning modes. This flexibility helps in addressing the diverse needs of students, making learning more engaging and effective.

Successful learners are those who can adapt to different learning modes, and there is considerable merit in being able to vary teaching styles accordingly. With tools grounded in reliable evidence, such as ‘active recall’, self-aware learning, collaborative learning, and adaptive personalised learning, teachers can create dynamic and interactive lesson plans. For instance, active recall techniques like quizzes and self-tests engage students and help in retaining information through retrieval practice. Self-aware learning strategies encourage students to reflect on their progress and take control of their learning, fostering independence and self-motivation.

Collaborative learning promotes teamwork and discussion, enabling students to deepen their understanding through peer interaction. Adaptive personalised learning uses evidence-based teaching methods and resources tailored to individual needs, enhancing instructional practices and student outcomes. By incorporating these varied approaches using any basic curriculum materials, knowledge.engine empowers teachers to deliver high-quality, adaptable education that meets the needs of all students, ensuring consistency across the Trust while also providing the flexibility to personalise learning experiences. This dual capability not only enhances student engagement and achievement but also supports teachers in delivering effective, evidence-based instruction.

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